6th December 2022 - 11 am - Online: Registration closed.
The UK’s digital skills gap is a hot topic. In our last webinar, we same some common threads coming through loud and clear and gender diversity was right up there! Something needs to happen – but what?
According to statistics, there are still only around 24% to 26% of computing jobs are held by women. It’s simply not enough, but what’s the root cause?
We recently invited everyone to join us at our latest webinar ‘You’ve Got Male’ as our panel of experts and Women in Tech ambassadors looked at three core areas of:
The early years and how interest in tech affects girls during their education
Barriers to entry into the industry and opportunities in the tech space for women
Career progression and support for talent retention and promotion.
Together, we picked at the threads as we asked them some thought-provoking questions, asked them to give their opinions as professionals and as women in the technology field, and hear about some real-life examples they’ve experienced. We also encouraged our guests to ask their questions and make their valuable contributions to this hot topic.
The more voices that talk about this important topic, the more people will sit up and pay attention – something that is desperately needed.
88% of women would be drawn toward an organisation that speaks openly about diversity
78% of students can’t name a famous female working in technology
We'll be sharing a video of our webinar shortly. Bookmark this page!