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Roq Delivers Weekly 18-hour Saving for Private Bank

Find out how Roq created an additional 18-hour saving on their original automated test pack.

The Client

Roq’s client is a UK-based private bank which offers a contemporary bespoke service to its customers.

The Challenge

During a pre-existing relationship with the client, Roq had created an automation test pack for the client’s lending applications alongside a third-party vendor.

Through Roq’s ongoing search for ‘Excellence’ and Quality Engineering (QE) Principle of ‘Continuous Improvement, Roq teams are always searching for ways they can improve on previous work and create extra value for clients. 

Roq identified that the first half of each script in the lending application automated test packs were actually identical, and also covered a large percentage of the test pack’s run time.

Roq’s Solution

The ‘pre-tests’ discussed were previously automated through an external front end automation application which ran quite slowly and caused most of the delays.

The Roq team identified an opportunity to create additional time savings on their original work by utilising API requests to completely bypass the front-end automation and use back-end data insertion instead.

Roq had a meeting with internal client stakeholders who align with Roq’s values of Excellence and Continuous Improvement, and are always looking for additional savings. Roq added that the additional work would be carried out alongside regular project work, with no extra cost or impact to the client – making this a true value-add.

The Outcome  

Roq’s back-end automation of the ‘pre-tests’ created a saving of around 220 seconds per test, across a pack of 60 tests, being ran five times a week. Equating to a ~18 hour saving each week.


One of the internal client test team commented on the new savings, calling them “wonderful” as they save a lot of time and allow them to focus efforts elsewhere.

Roq Value

  • ~18 hour saving on previous work carried out, providing the client with an extra two work days of bandwidth each week

  • Identified savings on own automated pack, and created additional value-add alongside client commitment

  • Internal test team can now focus additional efforts elsewhere

If you’d like to find out more about how Roq can support your business, please email us at  


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